The Wise Well Woman's Way

5 Quick Tips for Getting into the Groove

Stop for a moment and observe…

Notice movement, action, stillness, and pulse. 
You will soon discover there are an ebb and flow — a groove — to everything in a cyclical pattern that is not random.
The sun rises and falls, as does the moon. The tides shift in and out. Birds migrate as the season’s change. Plants blossom and fruit in patterns in sync with other phases of life.
The examples are endless. The energy of the Great Creator is at work in our world in limitless ways.

River FlowEverything is connected through this energy of flow in patterns and waves.

“Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost.”—Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Why is it important to understand this rhythmic cycle of energy? 

According to noted expert, Raj Raghunathan, Ph.D. It is important because therein lies an important secret to sustaining emotional positivity. Put more simply, understanding energy flux is important for enhancing happiness.” 

When you align yourself with this natural order and allow it to fuel your creative essence you begin to feel almost as if you’re floating on air. Everything is effortless. The struggle is non-existent. You are in the groove!

The reality is that most people don’t stay in a constant state of flow. To get into the groove requires awareness of the flow, followed by deliberate action and practice.

Here are a few quick tricks to shift your energy into alignment with the natural order and kick your creativity into high gear.

1. Get Quiet. It doesn’t matter how you choose to do this. Meditation comes in many forms. Use whatever is most comfortable for you. Turn off the TV, the radio, your cellphone, and any other electronic gadgetry. Allow the sounds of silence to become the base beat of your natural rhythm.

2. Breathe. Consciously, deliberately, take long slow breaths. Follow the flow of air in and out. Connect to the pattern, the rhythm of your natural breathing. Allow yourself to feel the expansion that comes. Visualize yourself opening up with each new breath.

3. Observe. Watch, look and listen. Wherever you are, simply look with fresh eyes. Connect to the patterns and the movement of everything in your field of vision. Can you see the wind?

4. Get Up and Move. Move with intention. Feel your body. Whether you choose to walk or to dance or to run as fast as your legs will carry you, begin this action connecting to the fluid movement that is your body. Then slowly, deliberately allow yourself to let go of your need to control the motion. Allow the momentum of the movement to take over.

5. Sing. Yes, sing… even if you can’t carry a tune! Chant if you can’t think of any words to sing. Use the meditative practice of OM, the sacred Sanskrit sound endorsed by spiritual mentors around the globe, if you are comfortable. Or, simply make sounds, opening your mouth as wide as you can. Belt them out if you wish. Or, sing softly as if you were sharing your favorite lullaby with the universe.

Integrate some or all of these practices into your routine and you will be in the groove more often than not. And when you feel yourself forcing or struggling, as if you’re swimming upstream, or paddling against the tide, simply stop. Take a few deliberate breaths, and then as quickly as possible, find a way to practice one of these easy tricks to re-connect to your natural flow.


Dance like no one is watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like it’s heaven on earth.  – attributed to William Purky, Mark Twain and Alfred D. Souza


Woman with arms outstretched on beachAnd if you’d like a little support jumpstarting your creative flow,, simply reach out to me at, tell me you’d like some help, and we’ll find the perfect time to schedule 30 minutes of no-cost, no obligation “Creative Breakthrough” support.  I do what I do because I am passionate about helping women live a life of joy rather than stress and struggle. Reach out today.

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