The Wise Well Woman's Way

Reflections, Intentions and a New Year’s Wish for YOU!

“I’ve always thought that people need to feel good about themselves and I see my role as offering support to them, to provide some light along the way.”~Leo Buscaglia

I was first introduced to the work of Leo Buscaglia, the author of the 1972 ground-breaking classic titled simply “LOVE”, at the age of 19. That was a magical time for me, full of new awakenings and expansion. [For a complete Leo Buscaglia Book List click this link]

There began the blossoming of my truest knowing, the ignition of a flame that smoldered untended for 25 years. Today, that seems like a lifetime ago…

My journey has led me along with many paths  – some overflowing with tremendous joy, and some buried in the deepest sorrows. All paths have brought me here, to this time and place and awareness, that I am here to serve as a beacon and support for others. I have been blessed with the evolution of this gift, knowing that simply being in a state of love for all, without judgment, is my highest calling, and that by gently encouraging everyone to experience the joy of creative self-discovery I am living my purpose.

Love is pure energy.
Love is a delight.
Love is hope.
Love is a wonder.
Love is a joy.

And as I reflected on the past and considered the possibilities that come with the beginning of a new year, I called on my Inner Wisdom to guide me. No longer needing clarity around “What’s my purpose?”, I turn my attention now to the expansion of that vision, by asking and answering this powerful question…

How will I live into my purpose to be LOVE in all that I am and all the I do?

What actions will I take each day to anchor this intention to share the love with others and, just as importantly, to show love to myself?

And the answer I received is clear…

Speak boldly about the value of creative self-discovery.
Speak powerfully about the value of support.
Speak with passion about coaching, connection, and community and tell the stories of the profound life changes you see experienced by the women of the Wise Well Women community every day.

Be loud if you must.
Find a way to reach those who are waiting to hear your message of hope.
Tell them “You are Enough.”

Stretch out of your comfort zone.
Be Brave and be persistent.

Engage everyone in this conversation,
knowing that the circles of connection are limitless.

Remain committed – no matter what.
And always remember, no matter what the question,
the answer is always love. [Special mention to the wonderful Siedah Garrett, who wrote a song by that title. You can find the full verse here.]

So, if you have traveled along with me to this place, and you have come to know your purpose — BRAVO!  Please celebrate this knowing and congratulate yourself for stepping up to be your highest self.

Consider spending a few moments today writing out your statement of intention and commitment.

Anchoring your intentions for 2013 can begin, as it did for me, with the question, “How Can I Live into My Purpose in 2013?” and I invite you, if you haven’t already, to spend some time with your meditation and journaling practice so you can capture the powerful answers your Inner Wisdom is waiting to provide. What does your intention statement look, sound and feel like?

Then spend some time highlighting the practices you will commit to that support your continued self-improvement and the expansion of your vision and begin to create a plan.

And if you are new to this practice, just beginning your journey of self discovery, or maybe you have taken your first timid steps or are bursting with the excitement of readiness to step up to the next level, please know that the power of transformation lies in simply making the conscious choice to begin where you are and taking action. By beginning with a gentle journaling exercise and committing to using simple daily practices you’ll immediately bring more clarity and peace into your life and provide the strong foundation from which you have the confidence to take new actions.

For you, the new or renewing baby stepper, the journal questions to begin exploring in this new year are:

What brings me joy? What makes me smile? What makes my heart sing?

What was most memorable for me in 2012?

What was my biggest life lesson in 2012?

What have I experienced this past year that I’d like to have more of in my life in 2013?

What is most important for me to create in 2013 – both personally and professionally?

Now is your time to reach out for support, too. The Wise Well Women Community and 12 Baby Steps Coaching is here to serve you at the level that is right for you today and we are perfectly positioned to support you as you grow.

If you are just beginning, embracing the 12 Baby Steps Foundation Formula will help you learn to shift your state of being to one of peace, joy and calm, by selecting self-care and energy management tools that are best for you and helping you stay committed to using those tools.

If you’re still establishing your self-care practice, then the coaching and community will support you to “Step UP” and stay on track.

And, if you’re ready to take a “Giant LEAP” to the highest heights this year, then I can tell you from personal experience and the experience of current Giant LEAP coaching clients, that by having the support you know you can count on you will gain the confidence to push outside your comfort zone. When that voice in your head is yelling “You Can’t Do THAT! Who are YOU to think you can be successful?” you’ll be certain to stay committed to your purpose.

My New Year’s Wish for You is that you’ll create ever expanding circles of connection this year, that serve to support your conscious evolution and to anchor your confidence and your commitment to your truest calling.

My New Year’s invitation to you is this… simply reach out to me to create a deeper connection. Click here to send a request for us to “meet” via phone. There is no cost to you except your time, and you will set in motion the universal energy of support for your intentions simply by sending the email. There is a very long list of women who can tell me stories of interesting, coincidental things that showed up in their lives when they made the choice to take even the smallest of baby steps — we call it synchronicity… And you could be one of them!

I want to get to know you. You tell me how you want to use our 30 – 45 minutes of time together. Really. I promise not to try to “sell” you anything.

I do have to be honest, though, and say that, if I’m truly living into my purpose and powerful intention for 2013, I’m certain I’ll end up telling a few success stories about amazing women, just like you, who tackle their fears head-on every day to reach some absolutely awesome milestones.

So, I won’t be able to help but share a bit about how the 12BabySteps Forum will support you to exchange ideas and build a relationship with other women in the community, and how the Stepping Up Coaching Package will provide an even deeper connection, adding Group Mastermind Support Sessions via phone  – once per month…

AND, how you’ll have a chance to connect to a coaching “buddy” who will always have your back!

AND, I’ll probably share how with the Giant LEAP Package, you can “GET IT ALL PLUS” 60 minutes private one-on-one coaching once per month and unlimited email support, too.

Yet, mostly we’ll talk about YOU— your dreams, your desires, what’s getting in your way, and what you know you need to help you create the life of your dreams — and how you deserve to be a part of a caring, courageous community of like-minded women who are as committed to the power of collaboration within the group as they are to their own success.

I am so committed to reaching everyone that I am throwing out the standard coaching model of pricing per hour, or even by the “package”, for now, and offering you an opportunity to pick your price* when you send the email before noon EST 1/3/13.

Today I begin anew. How ’bout you? Don’t wait — declare your intentions in the comment section below.

CLICK HERE to Send the email before noon EST 1/03/13.  Your future is ready.

Sending you many blessings in this new year and beyond —

Nanette's signature

P.S. I’ll reveal all the details of the pick your price* opportunity on our “Get to Know You” Connection call.
My intention is really clear — I have no attachment to the outcome of our conversation other than I hope to help you to see just how truly special you are, and to inspire you to take action to honor your creative self-discovery with regularity in any way that suits you. Coaching is only one option. The possibilities are limitless — this I know for sure!

Schedule your free “Get to Know You” Connection Session here.

And, don’t forget to declare your intentions below for the universal energy to “see”!

1 thought on “Reflections, Intentions and a New Year’s Wish for YOU!”

  1. Pingback: The Answer is Always Love | Nanette Saylor's The Wise Well Woman's Way

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